Time to Neg..

3:25 AM / Posted by Attractmatic /

Looks like it's crucial to quickly read the target's self esteem level and if it's too high, if she sees herself higher status than you, if she looks like she doesn't give a fuck, than it's time to throw a neg. Lower her ass down a bit. Show her you don't give a shit to her, she can't take you down. Show yourself powerful, be stronger.

Always assume higher value, see her like you are her big brother. Never hesitate. Never think she is so much cool. She can be cool but how cool she can be at most? No more than you..

Learn how to use false dis-qualifier. It is a powerful tool when it is required. Go under the radar if she is high in self esteem and lower it with showing that you are not after her.

Neg if it's necessary.

Authority + Dominance + Social Proof



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