Powerful Alpha Attitude

6:01 AM / Posted by Attractmatic /

Be relaxed

The easiest way to convey a relaxed body language is relaxing your mind. Breathe slower if you sense that you are uncomfortable. Relax your hands, don't shove your hands in your pockets, people do it because they dont know what to do with their hands. Just let them hang naturally. Sit still when you are sitting. Avoid uncomfortable moves such as constantly changing your crossed legs.

Be powerful.

Do gunslinger walk. Throw your shoulders back, chin up and look at the horizon instead of peoples paces coming towards you.

Knowing smile. (I know something you don't know)

Stand at ease like a marine

Convey dominance and purpose as you walk. Walk with half of your regular speed when you are in a venue. Choose the shortest route when you go somewhere. Don't make circles around a set thinking how to approach like a vulture.

5 non verbal gestures you should master using
your eyes (Social Superstar)

1. Eyebrow shrug. Not everyone can do this, but most folks can.
Raising both eyebrows can be used to show a number of different moods
and expressions. An eyebrow shrug can signify that a person is surprised,
or is expecting a response - it can almost be used as a dare or challenge.
A quick, subtle shrug of the eyebrows (sometimes held longer) can also
be used to express interest. It is often done subconsciously by both men
and women - you can shrug your eyebrows at her to let her know you’re
interested, or make a note when she shrugs hers at you, because she’s
interested too.
2. Wink (one eye). A favorite of television rakes and seducers, the wink is
nonetheless a fantastic means of communication. It’s sufficiently
mysterious that it gets girls wondering, and shows a strong degree of
social confidence and awareness on your part. The wink is a great way to
respond to a woman when she asks you a question you don’t feel like
answering if she’s giving you a hard time…
3. Slow, hard blink (two eyes). This is an easy and effective way of
communicating disbelief, as in, “Did you actually just say that?” Two
versions: in one, you are looking away and to the right when you open
your eyes. This is the version that puts more social pressure on the girl
(to qualify herself or retract a remark). In the other, you are looking
straight at the girl when you open your eyes - this is the more playful (still
with some social pressure) version.
4. Squint. The squint is a way of saying that you are thinking about
something, or alternatively that you doubt the truth or accuracy of
something that is being said. If you look at a woman and squint, it can
seem like you are sizing her up and trying to decide if you like her a lot.
You will see that many men who are good with women squint while they
are talking to them. It helps to place them in the position of being the
slightly skeptical selector.
5. Ultra-skeptical look. This is when you look at a woman like she just
said the most retarded thing you’ve ever heard. Basically, you pull your
lips into a half-smile (with one side of your mouth), while kind-of
laughing/huffing in a “I can’t believe she said that” way, and
simultaneously shrugging your eyebrows. You hold this look and stare at
her until she gives into the social pressure.

Your attitude should convey  that you are a busy guy, your time is limited and you will not be around all the time. But never verbally say that, it should be an idea  that they come up with. Also don't let them feel that you are superior to them and leave them behind.

Force your limits everyday and get out of your comfort zone.
Only seek approval from yourself



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