Take it Cool

7:41 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Do not jump in right away when she shows any signs of interest to you. If you get hooked that easily, you will not be a challenge and she will loose her interest. Take it cool instead, move slowly forward and do not show it. And do not ever forget that you shouldn't reverse the frame which you were setting before. The one shows that you are the runner and she is the chaser. Never make jokes like she hurts her lips and say let me kiss it. It makes you to look you want to kiss her and it depends on her permission. You gotta keep the frame as even if she wants to kiss you, you might decide to kiss her or not.

So, hypothetically say she showed you her ass and said "Man, how a nice ass I have!"

1st scenario, you might say "Wow, you have a great one, I love asses, can I touch it? See, those curves are exactly what I like." and act like seeing her ass is a gift for you that she gives.
That will out her on a pedestal and she will probably back off. Or at the very least, she will assume higher status than you and being superior to you. Best scenario would be, if she lets you and doesn't back off too much, She will say enough, she will say you can touch there but can't touch here. She will control the situation.

2nd scenario, instead, you can shake your hand in front of your nose as you try to fan yourself and be like "Omg! do you wash it after you poo?" and turn your body away not giving the "liking" she wants.

"WTF? What's going on? he supposed to like that ass, everyone likes my ass, I supposed to have a nice one, or don't I? I have to be sure that he likes my ass." She inside in her head...

You go toward to her ass hole with a face having kind of disgust and slight playfulness, she's not sure what it really is. You smell that hole and be like "I can't believe you with a knowing, playful smile." And move back again.

She will not resist as you move forward that way.

She may act like she doesn't care and say "You don't know about asses."
"What about those lines over there, let me see." Now you can touch anywhere you like with this.

That was an extreme example of how you should act as cool and escalate at the mean time. Probably this example will not happen but you got the point. I hope :)


Biker Look

1:48 PM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Biker Outlook have all the badboy attitude and style codes.


See the commonalities such as dominance of black, leather boots and double breasted short jackets ended on the belt line. Slim fit jeans are also distinctive on this look.


Storytelling - Story Writing

12:40 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Soon, will be updated as a new article with my own notes.

Storytelling 101: Crafting Your Illustration for Maximum Impact

~ by Michele Cushatt
“Structure is a selection of events from the characters’ life stories that is composed into a strategic sequence to arouse specific emotions and to express a specific view of life.” ~ Robert McKee, Story
Within moments of his opening, I was spellbound. He described characters I could almost see, and painted a setting so exquisite I could picture it as if I were already there. He continued on for 20 minutes, or maybe an hour. Who knows? Time stood still, and he could’ve talked for hours for all I cared. I was a child lost in story, unaware of the world around me.
A communicator who knows how to weave a story into his message is the best kind. Regardless of the topic–a stadium packed with fans or a conference room filled with staff–the communicator who learns the art of story, practices it, and then masters it can command the attention of anyone. And deliver the message he was made to tell.
To tell a story, you need to understand story composition. Like bones for the body, the right elements have the ability to make a story–and your message–stand. Learn the rules, and you can move your message (and audience) anywhere you want it to go. Ignore them, and your message is likely to flounder.
Depending on which story resource you study, a story can be broken down various ways. Because our application is speaking rather than writing, I’ve simplified the process into five basic elements. To help us understand it in real time, I’ve used the Biblical parable of The Prodigal Son as an example. (Luke 11:15-24)
Element #1: Exposition. This is the story’s beginning, the every-day life of the main character before complications interrupt the status quo. Whereas a novel may take pages to establish ordinary life, a speech can not afford to do so. This may be a sentence or two at most. Or it may be woven into the other elements of your story. When Jesus told the story of the Prodigal Son, he provided very little details into the father and sons’ ordinary life. But we know enough to have a context for what’s about to happen: There are two sons, a father, and enough wealth to make for an inheritance.
Element #2: Inciting Incident. Just as life, every good story is ripe with tension. Without conflict, we’d question its authenticity. The inciting incident is an event that initiates conflict and pushes the main character to a point of no return. Ultimately it requires change, which is the substance of the rest of the story. In our parable, the youngest son asks for his inheritance, an offensive request of a still-living father. In this case, the son initiates the conflict, creating his own inciting incident and taking him in a direction that will change him forever.
Element #3: Rising Action. As with most stories, tension isn’t typically limited to one event or scenario. The best stories are those thick with complications, one right after the other, until the character faces insurmountable odds. We see this clearly in the predicament of the youngest son. He leaves his father with a fat wallet and more than enough selfish ambition. He takes off sky high, ready to party and live it up. But soon his money runs out, a famine hits the country, and eventually he has no food, nor any hopeful prospects. We see him feeding swine, starving, longing to eat pig slop but without a single friend or advocate to help fill his belly.
Element #4: Climax. This is where tension hits a peak. It’s the character’s worst case scenario, the fork in the road where the character’s life could literally go one way or the other. Everything hangs in the balance and we don’t yet know how the story will end. When the Prodigal Son realizes he is likely to starve, it occurs to him he can return home and beg to be a servant on his father’s staff. Still, the tension hasn’t yet hit its peak. I believe the climax of this story is that brief moment when the son and the father, still separated by distance, see each other. In that split second, the son doesn’t yet know if he’ll be received. The story could go either way.
Element #5: Resolution. Also known as denouement (from a French word meaning to “untie,” as in knots), this is how the story ends. The tension is relieved, crisis is averted. As a result of the journey, the character is transformed. We see this beautifully portrayed in the story of the son. When the father sees his lost son in the distance, he is moved with love and compassion and takes off in a run. When the dejected, lost, hungry, and humiliated younger son sees his radiant father at a gallop, he changes. The son who asks to be a servant is a much more humble and meek version of the child who took his father’s money and ran away.
I have one final instruction for the crafting of your story. Really, it’s where you should begin. When choosing a story to tell, you must first establish the objective of your message. A story is nothing but entertainment unless you know what you hope to accomplish in the telling of it. We have enough entertainers; what we need more of is masterful messengers. Determine your objective, and then identify these five elements of your story. Use each one to further your objective, concluding with a resolution that drives your objective home. If you do, your audience will be spellbound and your message delivered like a master.



3:47 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

After a break up, show that you don't care and in fact, your life standards had been improved. Show that you are happy anyway. Do not ignore her. Just ignore what you have lived together.


Attraction Stages

9:48 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Use a disqualifier. It can not be an insult, it can not be anything that she can't overcome like you have kids, it can not be something bad about her. It should be something positive. If you don't disqualify yourself early on, they will think you are hitting on her.
(She might say "why you are here then?")

You have to be a challenge for her. High status men are not easy to win. If she attracts you easily, she will be skeptical about your other qualities.

If she want you to buy her drink, don't. But if you order yourself one, then offer politely. if you don't offer, it will look like a lack of social intuition.


Attraction Do's and Don'ts

7:54 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

When opening;

  • Assume that you already know the set. Like they are your friends.
  • Assume good reaction.
  • Don't react to social pressure. Have immunity for social pressure.
  • Don't introduce yourself.
  • Don't prefix anything, like "I want to ask this because of bla bla bla..."
When Transitioning;
  • You can pick a detail in her answer and interrupt to get in that conversation. But if she go back to the previous topic, do not come back to this detail later. It looks like you are trying hard.


BadBoy's 8 Steps to become a Bad Boy

4:29 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

This is how to be badboy

(Source: BadBoy PUA)

Badboys are often considered as cocky jerks. But, they anyway seem to be a chick magnet. Girls love this kind of men – they are masculine, strong, confident, they are FUN. But, remember this – being a ‘badboy’ is not the same as being a bad guy. It’s about respecting yourself. How to be Badboy is simply placing your needs above her needs!

Nice guys are focused on pleasing a girl’s needs, doing everything she wants while forgetting their own needs. Badboys are focused on themselves. First they satisfy their needs and then they reward a woman (if she behaved according to his needs and standards).

Nice guys give everything away too easily (their time, their respect, body, money), but how to be Badboy is to put more  of a  challenge,  fun, to be  interesting, full of life, a tease… Badboys are hard to get.

But the biggest difference between those two is :

Nice guy needs her attention, needs her, while Badboys DO NOT NEED HER. Badboy can walk away any moment from her and replace her with better girl. That’s why girls are chasing Badboys.

this is how to be Badboy :  you have to implement  this things in your Game/ Personality that will make girls call you a “Badboy”

1. Set the Boundaries/Rules of your love life. 

At the moment woman  crosses the border of what’s allowed, you  walk away from them (approach another girl in front of her eyes) or even better, kick them out from your house/apartment. PUNISH BAD BEHAVIOR, REWARD GOOD BEHAVIOR should be your MANTRA.

Remember : The moment you start respecting yourself, they will start to respect you, this is how to be  Badboy

2. Be Late 

This is a 180° spin from Nice guy that will arrive earlier and wait for her. Let them wait for you little bit. There is an psychological effect with being late. Creating “I need him’’ frame is what professors on Uni do all the time, they are late on purpose for 15 min, and therefore create “they need me” frame. Everything goes smoother from there.2Be Non-responsive on her tests/shit.

To be Badboy you have to be more relaxed than she is, more in control,  and when she tries to provoke a response from you with something like “I have a boyfriend”,  just be very slow, non-reactive, with a smile on your face and in a 3 second delay respond with : “cool”.

3. Have a Life! 

How to be Badboy is to have your life  full of hobbies, activities, interesting things you do. Girl has to look at you like: “wow, he’s living a life I would like to live.” + she understands your free time is a gift to her. She has to work to get  your time. She is just one more thing you do in your day not a hotspot of your day.

How to be Badboy – Memoirs of a Badboy

4. Be sexually open 

Badboys are not hiding their sexuality. They are very comfortable with their sexuality. If he likes something on his girl, he will say it, or act on it. E.g. If she has a nice ass, he will spank her gently and whisper “yummmmmy’ to her ear. Badboy will express his mind, he will  always tell what’s on his dirty mind . BADBOYS ARE DIRTY!!!  Girls love this, because Badboys allow them to fulfill their dirtiest fantasies, something they cannot  do with their “normal” boyfriends who may judge them for it.

5. Lead, Lead, Lead… 

You make decisions and do not hesitate – you know what’s good for her (and in the end, it is). Badboys take them to places where they feel good, comfortable… Badboys take over control so she ends up playing his game. That’s how to be Badboy.

6. Take the Risk! 

Badboys are a risk takers, if they have to choose between safe route and risky one, they will  choose the risky route  and that makes an ADVENTURE (even if risks are very small). This makes a girl feeling ALIVE. It’s totally opposite from what Nice-guys are doing with them.

7. Be Unpredictable

They love when they can’t figure you out. Normal guys are predictable and easy to control because of it, but with with Badboys they have no idea what’s next, where they’re gonna end up, where he’s going to take her. That makes things so much more interesting for a woman. If she thinks you will take her for a dinner, you take her to Zoo, and other way around…How to be badboy is to be  unpredictable, have fun with them.

-Make her buy you things

Instead of spending money on her, flip the table.. and make her spend money on you. Not each time, but from time to time show up without wallet on date ( promisse you wil pay  next time hehe), or explain her that you expect from her to take you out somewhere
8. and the Most Important, Keep the Nice-guy in you. 

Every Badboy has a soft, nice side, but he’s hiding it. She has to deserve to see it, to experience it, its a reward.

 -Focus on Yourself / be selfish

this is an core of Being an Badboy – this is how to be Badboy Nice guys focus hardcore of girls pleasure and make sure she is happy, and satisfied, which girls found :  Boring
So instead of trying just like any other guy to satisfy her ass, you flip the table. Example. You go on date where you want to go, not where she would like to go. You wanna see some cool movie in cinema, you take her there to see movie YOU would like to see, not what she would like to see! In your life your happiness is way more important then hers. You infront of her. Your needs infront of hers. ( until you move to relationship) then things will change. This is the core of how to be Badboy. Practice it!


Perfecting the Body Language

10:46 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

To perfect your look and body language, choose some good, charismatic alpha examples in your acquaintances or on television and try to understand the patterns they use when they look, when they smile, when they laugh, when they are telling something. Observe their hand and facial gestures. One important note on this: Never mimic someone or you will look like a cheap Chinese copy of a specific person which is unattractive.

Some Examples on this

  •  Charismatic men stand straight and tall, chin is down at the slightest (as slight as 5 or 10 degrees) as you can look straight forward and your eyebrows would look like a "V"

  • They have significant and manly gestures. Usually the hands are solidly open and look tough like a slap. Dynamic hand moves are like they hold something solid and big (Like a wallet) in their hands.

  • Dominant Laughter. They don't afraid to make sound when they laugh. Sometimes you feel like you can't hold your laugh. Charismatic men sounds like they are willingly laughter.

  • Whatever you do, be conscious of your image. It can be as simple as taking something out from your bag on the train. Do it in a dominant and confident way. Observe people (With the style you go after. This is important because it varies style to style. I.E Low energy alpha males does things whole differently than high energy alpha males.) who does it right. Understand the patterns. Exercise them in the mirror.

  • Improve your walk as the same way above.


Be Captivating

5:13 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Danger is seductive..

Desire always wins out over reason..

If you want to be a leader, you should be likeable and get people to like you. Also people are most fascinated with and attached to what they can’t have (Have scarcity).

You have to have authority beside those two. People are like sheeps, they tend to be led. They want to have someone look up to.

Have an Interesting Hobby

Have something you can be passionate about. Have something more important than women and the game.

What you are doing in your spare time directly reflects your personality. Choose wisely and consider those concepts:


Free Spirited

Thrill Seeking


Challenging hobbies are make you more mature..

Have an Interesting Profession

If you don’t have one, find a cool way to say your job, be playful with it. Don’t get identified by your mundane boring job.

Interesting Skills

Card Tricks or Magic Tricks

Play an Instrument (Learn to play a full song, if people scream for more or repeat, just simply refuse. Say you don’t wanna steal the thuner of the party. Even say I can play all night but it wouldn’t be fun for anyone else. You will look modest as a bonus.


Being fun and playful.

Develop a character – Humor comes out from a character.  Without a character, you will look as recite of jokes.

Have Contrasts in Your Life

Think about a bank invester who plays in a blues band on weekends.


Predictablity kills interest. People love to be swerved when they don’t expect it. You will become more interesting if you reveal yourself slowly. Make them wonder what comes next.

Build rapport and make your target think that she figured you out, led her to one direction, and when you feel she thinks that, reveal a secret, make an action  or tell a story or a fact about yourself that contradictory to your character that you show thus far.


Danger, taboo and such things are unacceptable yet seductive. Girls would act as they are disapproving a character but they can get fascinated by it.


Appear Fearless

We all driven by our ridiculous fears and most of the time, those fears are not life threatning. Most of the time they are about what people might think about us and our seeking for their approval. Fear of losing your reputation, fear of rejection, fear of being laughed at, Afraid of making a wrong decision…

Women are attracted by bad boys because bad boys causes adrenaline rush in their body. Girls see reflections of their fears and insecurities on the average guys. That’s why average guys become their friends instead of lovers. Bad boy makes her forget about her insecurities…

Whatever it is you fear, feel the fear, do it anyway…

Best way to deal with a fear is facing with a relly big one..


Say Less Than Necessary

You don’t need to be clear. Less you say, more they tend to try and fill the blanks. People thinks that its necessary to know what you are thinking. More you control what you reveal, more they will try to interpret you.  It doesn’t means you should shut your mouth. Its for your thoughts. There is a difference between being shy and being mysterious.

Never forget: You might burn inside to saying her you love her but once you reveal how deep your feelings are, the interest she feels toward you will start to extinguish..


Know Where You Are Going

People like sheep, they want to be led. You always have to look confident in your decisions. It is not only limited to long term decisions like your career and major in college. It includes your daily experiences like which place you are going, which direction you chose etc.. When someone asks where to go, people tend to say doesn’t matter, where do you wanna go? You shouldn’t do that. You always live in your own terms. You always look like you know where is cool because you are inside of it. Even if the place is dead, act as it is gonna be a great time. Make it a great time.


Never Appear Too Perfect

Don’t talk about your accomplishments too much. If you seem too perfect, people will naturally feel strong envy about you and starts talking behind your back. They will naturally feel the urge to ruin you at first chance. Sometimes it’s not enough to not talk about your accomplishments, sometimes you need to hide your talents consciously.

Also by the way, your future accomplishments should be an expected thing. Your peers should know that you may get a promotion or a victory about something.


Show Your Cool With Action, Not With Your Words

Dont tell anything about how you can get the girls. Just get them. Whenever you go somewhere with your friends, be the one who fits first. Just lead with act.


Create a Winning Group Culture

Make your group a winner group. Focus on your groups success instead of looking like a self centered bastard.


Delegate Authority, Not Responsibility

Tell him you trust him to find the best on something, instead of saying he is in charge.


Know Your Competition

There will always someone who wants to be the superstar.

* These notes are taken from the book: Social Superstar


For an Attractive Face

5:07 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)


More Examples of Badboy Style

5:03 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Notice all the commonalities of them. Neat, stylish hair cut. Facial hair. Sunglasses. Fit clothes and open chest, way of tucking their shirt or t-shirt, way of folding sleeves. Accessories. Masculine posture. Masculine face, etc...


Attraction Happens Before You Say Something to Her

1:10 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Attraction happens before even you go up and say something to her. Attraction happens when she notice you and see that you are the cool, confident alpha guy who stands straight, smiles and always looks like he knows something that nobody else knows.

Like the old saying, what you say is not that important.. If you can't pass her nonverbal exam, you can't impress her by going up and say something really impressive. But if you pass, what you say will not be that important at all..

Simply always be your best self, always be conscious about your image. Don't pay attention to your target, ignore her, at least try to act like you haven't notice her. When you mutually notice each other, go up and talk like you are talking with your friend. Only difference should be escalating.. You should escalate your target mostly with kino..

Don't forget being dominant. Talk with her like she is your little sister..


Getting what you want from someone

2:23 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

There is a negative correlation between how much or badly tou want something from someone and chances of getting what you want from that person.

If you make it obvious that you want something really bad, people will naturally start thinking the negative sides of giving you what you want. That will hold them back and they would hesitate to do your wish. Even if you have something to offer them.

Instead, you should work on how to make them come up with the idea you want. Don't even mention what you want. Make it seem like it's the other "smart person's unique idea".

"How smart i am" is foolish..


How Compliments and Favors related to the status

5:30 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

When a lower status person gives a compliment or does a favor to a higher status person, higher status person will assume that lower status person wants something from him.

When a higher status does it to the lower status person, lower status person will like higher status person more and will feel an urge to give compliments and favors back like five times more than he received.

The weight of reciprocation will be so strong on their back that they will
feel the need to not only return the favor- but to return it in a much
greater magnitude than we originally gave it in.
This is the reason that some people seem to rapidly ascend to the top of
the social ladder. Once you have established a little bit of social currency,
you are able to multiply that currency. This is very similar to the saying
"the rich get richer."


Confidential tricks for winning her over

5:21 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

1. Remember details of her life. Don't be obnoxious or creepy about it,
but by paying attention you'll be able to ask her things later. For
instance, if during a conversation she makes a joke about having wanted
to be a fireman when she was little, in a conversation down the road- if
she's complaining about her current job- say something like- "Well, they
always need fireman." She won't have expected you to remember that
minute detail of a previous conversation… and when you do she'll really
appreciate you.

2. Once you figure out how she views herself, play to that. For instance,
if you can tell that she believes she is very knowledgeable about
movies… say something like "hey, did you see (insert movie) cause I
always trust your opinion on what's good." By doing this you're
demonstrating that you see her as having an expertise in something other
than looking pretty. Most girls want to believe deep down inside that
they're more than their looks.

3. Completely drop your guard around her. Don't hesitate to say
anything you would around your male friends. Be 100% completely
yourself. Don't stress your faults or blunders- but don't go out of your
way to hide them. Most guys put on such a front around her, that the
realness you display around her will be refreshing.

4. Develop an inside joke with her. If the two of you are involved in a
social scene together you can pick another person in that scene and share
a bit of information with her about that person- but tell her she can't tell
anyone. Make it ridiculously unbelievable, but play it up very well. Now
whenever this person is around, make inside references to that little piece
of knowledge. She'll always be questioning you about whether or not it's
true- and soon the mere sight of this person will make her wish you were
around to share in the humor.

5. Get her to experience something completely outside her comfort
zone. And make her have a good time doing it. For instance, after a
work Christmas party one year, I got the entire staff- women included- to
head over to a strip bar with me. If you can get her to do something
outside of her comfort zone, and associate the rewarding and exciting
feeling with you- she'll become addicted to the thrill you provide.


13 Characteristics of likeable People

4:16 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

1. Smiling - People who are at ease, confident, and happy tend to smile,
and that smile puts people at ease. Smiling shows that you're pleased to
see someone which can be really flattering. If you want to change one
thing to come across more social, smile a big smile. Sometimes you will
not feel in the mood to smile -however, if you choose to smile anyway
you'll still get the great results.

2. Eye contact - Maintaining eye contact when you talk to someone
draws them deep into conversation with you - the rest of the world slows
down, and you both become quite important to each other. It shows a
calm confidence in what they are saying and it makes them even more
engaging, almost hypnotic. A quick tip: Right eye to right eye. Look from
your right eye to the right eye of the person you're talking to. This strikes
a great balance between good eye contact and not staring.

3. Touch - You'll consistently see magnetic people reach out and touch
others. Touching shows emotion and affection and brings you closer to
other people. Humans crave physical contact with others, and more
emotion and affection can be expressed through touch than any number
of words ever could. Next time someone does or says something you
really like, give them a high five, some "pound", a playful punch on the
arm or a big hug.

4. Not talking about yourself - Likable people typically are more
curious to get to know other people and don't talk about themselves as
much. Likable people are always looking to find out more about the
other person, what they are doing, and what interests them the most.
Most people don't feel heard - likable people know this, and encourage
others to talk about what they really enjoy.

5. Not talking too much - Closely related to the above point. Likable
people and high status people do not talk too much. Instead they
encourage others to talk and to open up. People love to talk about their
experiences and cool things they've done - when you become more
curious and encourage them to speak more, they'll actually like you more.
If you catch yourself rambling for a while, an easy way to adjust is to say,
"But that's enough about me - what about you?"

6. Empathy - Making people feel understood, and striving to truly
understand them is powerful. Everyone wants to be understood. People
want to know that they are not alone in the world. If you can reach out
to understand another person, you'll instantly form a great connection
with them. Next time someone tells you something heavy that you could
have a long discussion on, instead try saying just "I understand." You'll
be amazed at how uplifting it can make other people feel.

7. Not trying to impress - Somewhat accomplished people want
everyone to know about the accomplishments they've made. Really
amazing people are much more humble and low key about what they've
done. The most impressive people never actively try to impress people.
The result is that a man trying to impress communicates that he's not

8. Showing praise and appreciation - Whenever you see anything you
like in another person, let them know. If people aren't used to you
opening up, praising, and appreciating constantly, you might get a funny
reaction at first. Once you've established that you're constantly on the
lookout for great things in others, people get used to feeling empowered
around you. When you do mention something you really like, keep it
casual. No big deal, no long talk. Just, "Hey, I really appreciate that you
did that." "I thought that was really cool how you did that."

9. Never criticizing, ever, for any reason - Likable people never
criticize others. People universally hate criticism, and hate people that
criticize them. Likable people always start off with genuine praise and
appreciation before trying to give constructive feedback, and will only
give this feedback rarely (because likable people understand that praise is
a much better way to help people change than even constructive
feedback, and criticizing is almost always useless).

10. Not trying to fix other peoples' problems - When someone tells
you they have a problem, but doesn't explicitly ask for your help, that
means they do not want you to tell them how to solve it. They want to
feel understood, cared about, and empowered. Over 90% of the time,
people know the solutions to their own problems. If someone brings a
minor problem to you, try listening, nodding, letting them know you
understand, and you're with them. Tell them you believe in them and you
think they'll sort it out. If they ask what you'd do, maybe make a quick
suggestion but don't drive the point really hard. As crazy as it sounds,
most people do not tell others about their problems in order to get
solutions; they want understanding, empathy, and reassurance. People are
very strong and quite good at solving their own problems when believed

11. Eliminate negativity - Never mentioning anything you don't like.
Especially never being down on culture-wide things outside of your
direct control: So, not complaining about the government, pop culture,
fashions you think are silly, activist groups you disagree with, and so on.
Being positive is really good. Not talking about things you dislike is even
more important.

12. Never complain - When people complain, others feel slightly less
inclined to be around them. It brings people down. If you don't like
something, you have two choices: Take action to fix it, or accept that it's
there. When you realize that, there's no reason
to complain.

13. Never impose weakness on others - Everyone feels down from
time to time. The most charismatic people never "impose" that down
feeling on others; instead, they're a fort of strength for people around
them. The more you stay composed, and refrain from showing being
fazed or flustered, the more you gain control over your life. People start
to respect you more, and they feel they can rely on you.


Ultimate do's and don'ts list

10:33 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

  • Take your time on the phone, you are giving your valuable time to the person you are talking with. Never let anyone try to hurry and hang up the phone. And always initiate the end of the conversation first. This is hard to do if the other person called you. Normally people call you to say something or invite you somewhere or just check on you etc.. They have a subject and purpose. When they done with the subject, they will tend to end first. Because they called you right? This time, you should find something to say or ask anything or some shit to interrupt their "conversation ending process" and make it your turn. Keep it short and initiate the end!

  •  Make assumptions if you wanna ask something. I.E Say "I guess you've never visited Turkey yet" rather than "Have you ever visit Turkey?"

  • Actually do the above for your every interaction. Relax and take your time.

  • Whenever you see the other person is not responding well to your valuable playful line or joke that you initiated, just look at them like a child who did something wrong. Look at them like the mixture of "What have you done?" and "Who the fuck do you think you are?".

  •  Whenever someone try to take you in their frame like judging your taste of music, your beliefs or the way you do something, don't ever argue. Just say "That's the way i do" or "Because i like that". If they insist about take your taste down, just ask "What's in it in your suggestion?". When they respond, say "I don't care." Remember: It's not the thing what is cool. It's you that makes that cool. In other words it's cool because you listen it or doing it!

  • Always be conscious about the image you are actively displaying. Question yourself am i looking confident badass or not. People admire a social superstar who is looking like figured all social rules out. In fact, no one can know everything. But the key is, you should always look like "the guy who figured all out" like "you know what to do under every circumstances".

  • You are the one who should take things one step further. Don't always push her or stay back all the time. Learn to push and pull and immediately start kino. Start with subtle quick touches and shift it further step by step. Soon, start showing your intention. That way, you will always know if she's interested in or not.

  • When you met with a new person, at first times, look busy, trying to pay attention what he/she says, trying to look like "my all attention is with you, but i am a busy person and i have some distractions." It can be your phone text messages, calls, someone you know in the street, etc...

  • Make DHV Stories that indicates you have lots of cool people in your social circles. For example, a friend who used to live in london. Or a cousin who is an important business man or who knows too many important people. Or a dean cousin. A Russian ex-gf, etc.. The key here is, you have to give those cool information about those people or yourself as a secondary little detail. Tell it like it is an unimportatnt little detail. Otherwise it would look like bragging.

  • In order to avoid looking like you are bragging, try to tell DHV details as they are not important. You are not taking that fact seriously. Tell your story like your punchline about that story is much more important than that. And make sure that story is really interesting or funny. It is cool, you know that but it is not that important to you because you are a cool person and always have cool things in your life.

  • Always make a plan for doing something, and than bring people together. Make them tag along with you. Plan the bounces, make it look cool and make sure you are not bossing people about what to do. Ask their opinions, if they have a cooler plan say okay we can go there. That will make you the alpha male of the group. People will don't want to be contradict with you, they won't want to mess with you and if someone do, you can easily punish them by ignoring them for a while or not calling them for the next time you go out. But don't exaggerate it. Just make them feel they did something wrong, but you are ultimately a compassionate and a mercyful person.

  • Don't be available for people all the time. At least you should always make them wait for it. For example someone wants you to take them somewhere. Even if you want more than that person to take them there, act like you are busy, you are not as excited as them (Be careful sometimes its not a good thing to look like not excited at all) wait for 10 minutes and then you can go.

  • Find something to compliment on him/her that seems like something you saw no one else see before. Something that's not physical. Do it in a powerful way. And next time in future, find something else to say he/she can do better if he/she fixes something. It won't look like criticizing, and they will like/respect you.

  • An extended social circle is crucial my friend.. You need friends. When you start seeing someone, you've got to show that you have a real, fun social life without her. You have mixed groups. Drawn her in.


Powerful Alpha Attitude

6:01 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Be relaxed

The easiest way to convey a relaxed body language is relaxing your mind. Breathe slower if you sense that you are uncomfortable. Relax your hands, don't shove your hands in your pockets, people do it because they dont know what to do with their hands. Just let them hang naturally. Sit still when you are sitting. Avoid uncomfortable moves such as constantly changing your crossed legs.

Be powerful.

Do gunslinger walk. Throw your shoulders back, chin up and look at the horizon instead of peoples paces coming towards you.

Knowing smile. (I know something you don't know)

Stand at ease like a marine

Convey dominance and purpose as you walk. Walk with half of your regular speed when you are in a venue. Choose the shortest route when you go somewhere. Don't make circles around a set thinking how to approach like a vulture.

5 non verbal gestures you should master using
your eyes (Social Superstar)

1. Eyebrow shrug. Not everyone can do this, but most folks can.
Raising both eyebrows can be used to show a number of different moods
and expressions. An eyebrow shrug can signify that a person is surprised,
or is expecting a response - it can almost be used as a dare or challenge.
A quick, subtle shrug of the eyebrows (sometimes held longer) can also
be used to express interest. It is often done subconsciously by both men
and women - you can shrug your eyebrows at her to let her know you’re
interested, or make a note when she shrugs hers at you, because she’s
interested too.
2. Wink (one eye). A favorite of television rakes and seducers, the wink is
nonetheless a fantastic means of communication. It’s sufficiently
mysterious that it gets girls wondering, and shows a strong degree of
social confidence and awareness on your part. The wink is a great way to
respond to a woman when she asks you a question you don’t feel like
answering if she’s giving you a hard time…
3. Slow, hard blink (two eyes). This is an easy and effective way of
communicating disbelief, as in, “Did you actually just say that?” Two
versions: in one, you are looking away and to the right when you open
your eyes. This is the version that puts more social pressure on the girl
(to qualify herself or retract a remark). In the other, you are looking
straight at the girl when you open your eyes - this is the more playful (still
with some social pressure) version.
4. Squint. The squint is a way of saying that you are thinking about
something, or alternatively that you doubt the truth or accuracy of
something that is being said. If you look at a woman and squint, it can
seem like you are sizing her up and trying to decide if you like her a lot.
You will see that many men who are good with women squint while they
are talking to them. It helps to place them in the position of being the
slightly skeptical selector.
5. Ultra-skeptical look. This is when you look at a woman like she just
said the most retarded thing you’ve ever heard. Basically, you pull your
lips into a half-smile (with one side of your mouth), while kind-of
laughing/huffing in a “I can’t believe she said that” way, and
simultaneously shrugging your eyebrows. You hold this look and stare at
her until she gives into the social pressure.

Your attitude should convey  that you are a busy guy, your time is limited and you will not be around all the time. But never verbally say that, it should be an idea  that they come up with. Also don't let them feel that you are superior to them and leave them behind.

Force your limits everyday and get out of your comfort zone.
Only seek approval from yourself


Alpha Attitude

3:54 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

How do your eyes follow the crowd? As if you’re disinterested
(meaning, you’re not paying too much attention to any one person) - and
that’s because you feel that there is nobody worthy of your attention. In
other words, you’re never “star-struck” because you are the star. In the
end, your goal is to give off the impression that you’re a prestigious
person accustomed to ranking high in social circles - not even the
blonde-bombshell walking by can shake this poise. You may cast a
glance, but you’re too prestigious to stare. People around you WILL
notice this and subconsciously decide that you ARE a person of prestige. (Social Superstar)

Think about how you gonna say rather than what you gonna say!

* Never seem to be in a hurry - hurrying betrays a lack of control over
yourself, and over time.
* Always seem patient, as if you know that everything will come to you
* Your actions must seem natural and executed with ease - so when you
act, act effortlessly, as if you could do much more. Cloak your focus on
the elements (which will more than likely seem intense when you first
start practicing the art) by being confident on the outside and relaxed on
the inside. Never let them see you sweat.
* Practice being subtle (”subtle,” as used here, means ‘So slight as to be
difficult to detect or analyze; elusive.’).

People are not enemies and hostiles, be playful and at ease with them. Be like you used to being treated well all the times!


Time to Neg..

3:25 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Looks like it's crucial to quickly read the target's self esteem level and if it's too high, if she sees herself higher status than you, if she looks like she doesn't give a fuck, than it's time to throw a neg. Lower her ass down a bit. Show her you don't give a shit to her, she can't take you down. Show yourself powerful, be stronger.

Always assume higher value, see her like you are her big brother. Never hesitate. Never think she is so much cool. She can be cool but how cool she can be at most? No more than you..

Learn how to use false dis-qualifier. It is a powerful tool when it is required. Go under the radar if she is high in self esteem and lower it with showing that you are not after her.

Neg if it's necessary.

Authority + Dominance + Social Proof
