Ultimate do's and don'ts list

10:33 AM / Posted by Attractmatic /

  • Take your time on the phone, you are giving your valuable time to the person you are talking with. Never let anyone try to hurry and hang up the phone. And always initiate the end of the conversation first. This is hard to do if the other person called you. Normally people call you to say something or invite you somewhere or just check on you etc.. They have a subject and purpose. When they done with the subject, they will tend to end first. Because they called you right? This time, you should find something to say or ask anything or some shit to interrupt their "conversation ending process" and make it your turn. Keep it short and initiate the end!

  •  Make assumptions if you wanna ask something. I.E Say "I guess you've never visited Turkey yet" rather than "Have you ever visit Turkey?"

  • Actually do the above for your every interaction. Relax and take your time.

  • Whenever you see the other person is not responding well to your valuable playful line or joke that you initiated, just look at them like a child who did something wrong. Look at them like the mixture of "What have you done?" and "Who the fuck do you think you are?".

  •  Whenever someone try to take you in their frame like judging your taste of music, your beliefs or the way you do something, don't ever argue. Just say "That's the way i do" or "Because i like that". If they insist about take your taste down, just ask "What's in it in your suggestion?". When they respond, say "I don't care." Remember: It's not the thing what is cool. It's you that makes that cool. In other words it's cool because you listen it or doing it!

  • Always be conscious about the image you are actively displaying. Question yourself am i looking confident badass or not. People admire a social superstar who is looking like figured all social rules out. In fact, no one can know everything. But the key is, you should always look like "the guy who figured all out" like "you know what to do under every circumstances".

  • You are the one who should take things one step further. Don't always push her or stay back all the time. Learn to push and pull and immediately start kino. Start with subtle quick touches and shift it further step by step. Soon, start showing your intention. That way, you will always know if she's interested in or not.

  • When you met with a new person, at first times, look busy, trying to pay attention what he/she says, trying to look like "my all attention is with you, but i am a busy person and i have some distractions." It can be your phone text messages, calls, someone you know in the street, etc...

  • Make DHV Stories that indicates you have lots of cool people in your social circles. For example, a friend who used to live in london. Or a cousin who is an important business man or who knows too many important people. Or a dean cousin. A Russian ex-gf, etc.. The key here is, you have to give those cool information about those people or yourself as a secondary little detail. Tell it like it is an unimportatnt little detail. Otherwise it would look like bragging.

  • In order to avoid looking like you are bragging, try to tell DHV details as they are not important. You are not taking that fact seriously. Tell your story like your punchline about that story is much more important than that. And make sure that story is really interesting or funny. It is cool, you know that but it is not that important to you because you are a cool person and always have cool things in your life.

  • Always make a plan for doing something, and than bring people together. Make them tag along with you. Plan the bounces, make it look cool and make sure you are not bossing people about what to do. Ask their opinions, if they have a cooler plan say okay we can go there. That will make you the alpha male of the group. People will don't want to be contradict with you, they won't want to mess with you and if someone do, you can easily punish them by ignoring them for a while or not calling them for the next time you go out. But don't exaggerate it. Just make them feel they did something wrong, but you are ultimately a compassionate and a mercyful person.

  • Don't be available for people all the time. At least you should always make them wait for it. For example someone wants you to take them somewhere. Even if you want more than that person to take them there, act like you are busy, you are not as excited as them (Be careful sometimes its not a good thing to look like not excited at all) wait for 10 minutes and then you can go.

  • Find something to compliment on him/her that seems like something you saw no one else see before. Something that's not physical. Do it in a powerful way. And next time in future, find something else to say he/she can do better if he/she fixes something. It won't look like criticizing, and they will like/respect you.

  • An extended social circle is crucial my friend.. You need friends. When you start seeing someone, you've got to show that you have a real, fun social life without her. You have mixed groups. Drawn her in.



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