Confidential tricks for winning her over

5:21 AM / Posted by Attractmatic /

1. Remember details of her life. Don't be obnoxious or creepy about it,
but by paying attention you'll be able to ask her things later. For
instance, if during a conversation she makes a joke about having wanted
to be a fireman when she was little, in a conversation down the road- if
she's complaining about her current job- say something like- "Well, they
always need fireman." She won't have expected you to remember that
minute detail of a previous conversation… and when you do she'll really
appreciate you.

2. Once you figure out how she views herself, play to that. For instance,
if you can tell that she believes she is very knowledgeable about
movies… say something like "hey, did you see (insert movie) cause I
always trust your opinion on what's good." By doing this you're
demonstrating that you see her as having an expertise in something other
than looking pretty. Most girls want to believe deep down inside that
they're more than their looks.

3. Completely drop your guard around her. Don't hesitate to say
anything you would around your male friends. Be 100% completely
yourself. Don't stress your faults or blunders- but don't go out of your
way to hide them. Most guys put on such a front around her, that the
realness you display around her will be refreshing.

4. Develop an inside joke with her. If the two of you are involved in a
social scene together you can pick another person in that scene and share
a bit of information with her about that person- but tell her she can't tell
anyone. Make it ridiculously unbelievable, but play it up very well. Now
whenever this person is around, make inside references to that little piece
of knowledge. She'll always be questioning you about whether or not it's
true- and soon the mere sight of this person will make her wish you were
around to share in the humor.

5. Get her to experience something completely outside her comfort
zone. And make her have a good time doing it. For instance, after a
work Christmas party one year, I got the entire staff- women included- to
head over to a strip bar with me. If you can get her to do something
outside of her comfort zone, and associate the rewarding and exciting
feeling with you- she'll become addicted to the thrill you provide.



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