Perfecting the Body Language

10:46 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

To perfect your look and body language, choose some good, charismatic alpha examples in your acquaintances or on television and try to understand the patterns they use when they look, when they smile, when they laugh, when they are telling something. Observe their hand and facial gestures. One important note on this: Never mimic someone or you will look like a cheap Chinese copy of a specific person which is unattractive.

Some Examples on this

  •  Charismatic men stand straight and tall, chin is down at the slightest (as slight as 5 or 10 degrees) as you can look straight forward and your eyebrows would look like a "V"

  • They have significant and manly gestures. Usually the hands are solidly open and look tough like a slap. Dynamic hand moves are like they hold something solid and big (Like a wallet) in their hands.

  • Dominant Laughter. They don't afraid to make sound when they laugh. Sometimes you feel like you can't hold your laugh. Charismatic men sounds like they are willingly laughter.

  • Whatever you do, be conscious of your image. It can be as simple as taking something out from your bag on the train. Do it in a dominant and confident way. Observe people (With the style you go after. This is important because it varies style to style. I.E Low energy alpha males does things whole differently than high energy alpha males.) who does it right. Understand the patterns. Exercise them in the mirror.

  • Improve your walk as the same way above.
