Be Captivating

5:13 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Danger is seductive..

Desire always wins out over reason..

If you want to be a leader, you should be likeable and get people to like you. Also people are most fascinated with and attached to what they can’t have (Have scarcity).

You have to have authority beside those two. People are like sheeps, they tend to be led. They want to have someone look up to.

Have an Interesting Hobby

Have something you can be passionate about. Have something more important than women and the game.

What you are doing in your spare time directly reflects your personality. Choose wisely and consider those concepts:


Free Spirited

Thrill Seeking


Challenging hobbies are make you more mature..

Have an Interesting Profession

If you don’t have one, find a cool way to say your job, be playful with it. Don’t get identified by your mundane boring job.

Interesting Skills

Card Tricks or Magic Tricks

Play an Instrument (Learn to play a full song, if people scream for more or repeat, just simply refuse. Say you don’t wanna steal the thuner of the party. Even say I can play all night but it wouldn’t be fun for anyone else. You will look modest as a bonus.


Being fun and playful.

Develop a character – Humor comes out from a character.  Without a character, you will look as recite of jokes.

Have Contrasts in Your Life

Think about a bank invester who plays in a blues band on weekends.


Predictablity kills interest. People love to be swerved when they don’t expect it. You will become more interesting if you reveal yourself slowly. Make them wonder what comes next.

Build rapport and make your target think that she figured you out, led her to one direction, and when you feel she thinks that, reveal a secret, make an action  or tell a story or a fact about yourself that contradictory to your character that you show thus far.


Danger, taboo and such things are unacceptable yet seductive. Girls would act as they are disapproving a character but they can get fascinated by it.


Appear Fearless

We all driven by our ridiculous fears and most of the time, those fears are not life threatning. Most of the time they are about what people might think about us and our seeking for their approval. Fear of losing your reputation, fear of rejection, fear of being laughed at, Afraid of making a wrong decision…

Women are attracted by bad boys because bad boys causes adrenaline rush in their body. Girls see reflections of their fears and insecurities on the average guys. That’s why average guys become their friends instead of lovers. Bad boy makes her forget about her insecurities…

Whatever it is you fear, feel the fear, do it anyway…

Best way to deal with a fear is facing with a relly big one..


Say Less Than Necessary

You don’t need to be clear. Less you say, more they tend to try and fill the blanks. People thinks that its necessary to know what you are thinking. More you control what you reveal, more they will try to interpret you.  It doesn’t means you should shut your mouth. Its for your thoughts. There is a difference between being shy and being mysterious.

Never forget: You might burn inside to saying her you love her but once you reveal how deep your feelings are, the interest she feels toward you will start to extinguish..


Know Where You Are Going

People like sheep, they want to be led. You always have to look confident in your decisions. It is not only limited to long term decisions like your career and major in college. It includes your daily experiences like which place you are going, which direction you chose etc.. When someone asks where to go, people tend to say doesn’t matter, where do you wanna go? You shouldn’t do that. You always live in your own terms. You always look like you know where is cool because you are inside of it. Even if the place is dead, act as it is gonna be a great time. Make it a great time.


Never Appear Too Perfect

Don’t talk about your accomplishments too much. If you seem too perfect, people will naturally feel strong envy about you and starts talking behind your back. They will naturally feel the urge to ruin you at first chance. Sometimes it’s not enough to not talk about your accomplishments, sometimes you need to hide your talents consciously.

Also by the way, your future accomplishments should be an expected thing. Your peers should know that you may get a promotion or a victory about something.


Show Your Cool With Action, Not With Your Words

Dont tell anything about how you can get the girls. Just get them. Whenever you go somewhere with your friends, be the one who fits first. Just lead with act.


Create a Winning Group Culture

Make your group a winner group. Focus on your groups success instead of looking like a self centered bastard.


Delegate Authority, Not Responsibility

Tell him you trust him to find the best on something, instead of saying he is in charge.


Know Your Competition

There will always someone who wants to be the superstar.

* These notes are taken from the book: Social Superstar


For an Attractive Face

5:07 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)


More Examples of Badboy Style

5:03 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Notice all the commonalities of them. Neat, stylish hair cut. Facial hair. Sunglasses. Fit clothes and open chest, way of tucking their shirt or t-shirt, way of folding sleeves. Accessories. Masculine posture. Masculine face, etc...
