Fundamentals of badass look

1:52 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

I recently decided to building a new wardrobe for myself.. First thing i notice about stylish looks that i like, is you better wear plain colored supporting pieces, layer on layer by making a contrast rather than wearing multicolor shirts. For example i recently had lots of compliments wearing a v-neck white tee and a v-neck black tee on top of it and white button-down shirt on it and a black vest on it.

Layering enriches your looks...

Then i noticed what makes a bad-boy look stand out, was the accessories. Sunglasses are essential.. Nonetheless, hair is too.. Also bracelets and necklaces are really makes a difference and people notice! Don't forget tattoos!! They really stands out.

One of the most important parts of all, what you wear MUST fit you perfectly!!

See Photos for examples..

Wear Expected Staff in an Unexpected Way and Get Away With it..

See those guys? Beckham can rock it just with a plain shirt. You can instantly turn into a rebel with regular staff by not wearing them in a regular way. Notice how David folds his sleeves and tucks just one side of his button down.. Notice how the second guy dressed up like he is gonna wear a blazer and overcoat on his shirt and vest. But instead, he go for a leather jacket and got away with it.

This one is important; no matter how hard to put yourself up together for a complete look, "you should always leave something messy with your look, so it would look effortless" says Brad P. in his "Fashion Bible".

Complete yourself, look effortless in a way that you can get away with it. 
