Take it Cool

7:41 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Do not jump in right away when she shows any signs of interest to you. If you get hooked that easily, you will not be a challenge and she will loose her interest. Take it cool instead, move slowly forward and do not show it. And do not ever forget that you shouldn't reverse the frame which you were setting before. The one shows that you are the runner and she is the chaser. Never make jokes like she hurts her lips and say let me kiss it. It makes you to look you want to kiss her and it depends on her permission. You gotta keep the frame as even if she wants to kiss you, you might decide to kiss her or not.

So, hypothetically say she showed you her ass and said "Man, how a nice ass I have!"

1st scenario, you might say "Wow, you have a great one, I love asses, can I touch it? See, those curves are exactly what I like." and act like seeing her ass is a gift for you that she gives.
That will out her on a pedestal and she will probably back off. Or at the very least, she will assume higher status than you and being superior to you. Best scenario would be, if she lets you and doesn't back off too much, She will say enough, she will say you can touch there but can't touch here. She will control the situation.

2nd scenario, instead, you can shake your hand in front of your nose as you try to fan yourself and be like "Omg! do you wash it after you poo?" and turn your body away not giving the "liking" she wants.

"WTF? What's going on? he supposed to like that ass, everyone likes my ass, I supposed to have a nice one, or don't I? I have to be sure that he likes my ass." She inside in her head...

You go toward to her ass hole with a face having kind of disgust and slight playfulness, she's not sure what it really is. You smell that hole and be like "I can't believe you with a knowing, playful smile." And move back again.

She will not resist as you move forward that way.

She may act like she doesn't care and say "You don't know about asses."
"What about those lines over there, let me see." Now you can touch anywhere you like with this.

That was an extreme example of how you should act as cool and escalate at the mean time. Probably this example will not happen but you got the point. I hope :)


Biker Look

1:48 PM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Biker Outlook have all the badboy attitude and style codes.


See the commonalities such as dominance of black, leather boots and double breasted short jackets ended on the belt line. Slim fit jeans are also distinctive on this look.


Storytelling - Story Writing

12:40 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Soon, will be updated as a new article with my own notes.

Storytelling 101: Crafting Your Illustration for Maximum Impact

~ by Michele Cushatt
“Structure is a selection of events from the characters’ life stories that is composed into a strategic sequence to arouse specific emotions and to express a specific view of life.” ~ Robert McKee, Story
Within moments of his opening, I was spellbound. He described characters I could almost see, and painted a setting so exquisite I could picture it as if I were already there. He continued on for 20 minutes, or maybe an hour. Who knows? Time stood still, and he could’ve talked for hours for all I cared. I was a child lost in story, unaware of the world around me.
A communicator who knows how to weave a story into his message is the best kind. Regardless of the topic–a stadium packed with fans or a conference room filled with staff–the communicator who learns the art of story, practices it, and then masters it can command the attention of anyone. And deliver the message he was made to tell.
To tell a story, you need to understand story composition. Like bones for the body, the right elements have the ability to make a story–and your message–stand. Learn the rules, and you can move your message (and audience) anywhere you want it to go. Ignore them, and your message is likely to flounder.
Depending on which story resource you study, a story can be broken down various ways. Because our application is speaking rather than writing, I’ve simplified the process into five basic elements. To help us understand it in real time, I’ve used the Biblical parable of The Prodigal Son as an example. (Luke 11:15-24)
Element #1: Exposition. This is the story’s beginning, the every-day life of the main character before complications interrupt the status quo. Whereas a novel may take pages to establish ordinary life, a speech can not afford to do so. This may be a sentence or two at most. Or it may be woven into the other elements of your story. When Jesus told the story of the Prodigal Son, he provided very little details into the father and sons’ ordinary life. But we know enough to have a context for what’s about to happen: There are two sons, a father, and enough wealth to make for an inheritance.
Element #2: Inciting Incident. Just as life, every good story is ripe with tension. Without conflict, we’d question its authenticity. The inciting incident is an event that initiates conflict and pushes the main character to a point of no return. Ultimately it requires change, which is the substance of the rest of the story. In our parable, the youngest son asks for his inheritance, an offensive request of a still-living father. In this case, the son initiates the conflict, creating his own inciting incident and taking him in a direction that will change him forever.
Element #3: Rising Action. As with most stories, tension isn’t typically limited to one event or scenario. The best stories are those thick with complications, one right after the other, until the character faces insurmountable odds. We see this clearly in the predicament of the youngest son. He leaves his father with a fat wallet and more than enough selfish ambition. He takes off sky high, ready to party and live it up. But soon his money runs out, a famine hits the country, and eventually he has no food, nor any hopeful prospects. We see him feeding swine, starving, longing to eat pig slop but without a single friend or advocate to help fill his belly.
Element #4: Climax. This is where tension hits a peak. It’s the character’s worst case scenario, the fork in the road where the character’s life could literally go one way or the other. Everything hangs in the balance and we don’t yet know how the story will end. When the Prodigal Son realizes he is likely to starve, it occurs to him he can return home and beg to be a servant on his father’s staff. Still, the tension hasn’t yet hit its peak. I believe the climax of this story is that brief moment when the son and the father, still separated by distance, see each other. In that split second, the son doesn’t yet know if he’ll be received. The story could go either way.
Element #5: Resolution. Also known as denouement (from a French word meaning to “untie,” as in knots), this is how the story ends. The tension is relieved, crisis is averted. As a result of the journey, the character is transformed. We see this beautifully portrayed in the story of the son. When the father sees his lost son in the distance, he is moved with love and compassion and takes off in a run. When the dejected, lost, hungry, and humiliated younger son sees his radiant father at a gallop, he changes. The son who asks to be a servant is a much more humble and meek version of the child who took his father’s money and ran away.
I have one final instruction for the crafting of your story. Really, it’s where you should begin. When choosing a story to tell, you must first establish the objective of your message. A story is nothing but entertainment unless you know what you hope to accomplish in the telling of it. We have enough entertainers; what we need more of is masterful messengers. Determine your objective, and then identify these five elements of your story. Use each one to further your objective, concluding with a resolution that drives your objective home. If you do, your audience will be spellbound and your message delivered like a master.



3:47 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

After a break up, show that you don't care and in fact, your life standards had been improved. Show that you are happy anyway. Do not ignore her. Just ignore what you have lived together.


Attraction Stages

9:48 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

Use a disqualifier. It can not be an insult, it can not be anything that she can't overcome like you have kids, it can not be something bad about her. It should be something positive. If you don't disqualify yourself early on, they will think you are hitting on her.
(She might say "why you are here then?")

You have to be a challenge for her. High status men are not easy to win. If she attracts you easily, she will be skeptical about your other qualities.

If she want you to buy her drink, don't. But if you order yourself one, then offer politely. if you don't offer, it will look like a lack of social intuition.


Attraction Do's and Don'ts

7:54 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

When opening;

  • Assume that you already know the set. Like they are your friends.
  • Assume good reaction.
  • Don't react to social pressure. Have immunity for social pressure.
  • Don't introduce yourself.
  • Don't prefix anything, like "I want to ask this because of bla bla bla..."
When Transitioning;
  • You can pick a detail in her answer and interrupt to get in that conversation. But if she go back to the previous topic, do not come back to this detail later. It looks like you are trying hard.


BadBoy's 8 Steps to become a Bad Boy

4:29 AM / Posted by Attractmatic / comments (0)

This is how to be badboy

(Source: BadBoy PUA)

Badboys are often considered as cocky jerks. But, they anyway seem to be a chick magnet. Girls love this kind of men – they are masculine, strong, confident, they are FUN. But, remember this – being a ‘badboy’ is not the same as being a bad guy. It’s about respecting yourself. How to be Badboy is simply placing your needs above her needs!

Nice guys are focused on pleasing a girl’s needs, doing everything she wants while forgetting their own needs. Badboys are focused on themselves. First they satisfy their needs and then they reward a woman (if she behaved according to his needs and standards).

Nice guys give everything away too easily (their time, their respect, body, money), but how to be Badboy is to put more  of a  challenge,  fun, to be  interesting, full of life, a tease… Badboys are hard to get.

But the biggest difference between those two is :

Nice guy needs her attention, needs her, while Badboys DO NOT NEED HER. Badboy can walk away any moment from her and replace her with better girl. That’s why girls are chasing Badboys.

this is how to be Badboy :  you have to implement  this things in your Game/ Personality that will make girls call you a “Badboy”

1. Set the Boundaries/Rules of your love life. 

At the moment woman  crosses the border of what’s allowed, you  walk away from them (approach another girl in front of her eyes) or even better, kick them out from your house/apartment. PUNISH BAD BEHAVIOR, REWARD GOOD BEHAVIOR should be your MANTRA.

Remember : The moment you start respecting yourself, they will start to respect you, this is how to be  Badboy

2. Be Late 

This is a 180° spin from Nice guy that will arrive earlier and wait for her. Let them wait for you little bit. There is an psychological effect with being late. Creating “I need him’’ frame is what professors on Uni do all the time, they are late on purpose for 15 min, and therefore create “they need me” frame. Everything goes smoother from there.2Be Non-responsive on her tests/shit.

To be Badboy you have to be more relaxed than she is, more in control,  and when she tries to provoke a response from you with something like “I have a boyfriend”,  just be very slow, non-reactive, with a smile on your face and in a 3 second delay respond with : “cool”.

3. Have a Life! 

How to be Badboy is to have your life  full of hobbies, activities, interesting things you do. Girl has to look at you like: “wow, he’s living a life I would like to live.” + she understands your free time is a gift to her. She has to work to get  your time. She is just one more thing you do in your day not a hotspot of your day.

How to be Badboy – Memoirs of a Badboy

4. Be sexually open 

Badboys are not hiding their sexuality. They are very comfortable with their sexuality. If he likes something on his girl, he will say it, or act on it. E.g. If she has a nice ass, he will spank her gently and whisper “yummmmmy’ to her ear. Badboy will express his mind, he will  always tell what’s on his dirty mind . BADBOYS ARE DIRTY!!!  Girls love this, because Badboys allow them to fulfill their dirtiest fantasies, something they cannot  do with their “normal” boyfriends who may judge them for it.

5. Lead, Lead, Lead… 

You make decisions and do not hesitate – you know what’s good for her (and in the end, it is). Badboys take them to places where they feel good, comfortable… Badboys take over control so she ends up playing his game. That’s how to be Badboy.

6. Take the Risk! 

Badboys are a risk takers, if they have to choose between safe route and risky one, they will  choose the risky route  and that makes an ADVENTURE (even if risks are very small). This makes a girl feeling ALIVE. It’s totally opposite from what Nice-guys are doing with them.

7. Be Unpredictable

They love when they can’t figure you out. Normal guys are predictable and easy to control because of it, but with with Badboys they have no idea what’s next, where they’re gonna end up, where he’s going to take her. That makes things so much more interesting for a woman. If she thinks you will take her for a dinner, you take her to Zoo, and other way around…How to be badboy is to be  unpredictable, have fun with them.

-Make her buy you things

Instead of spending money on her, flip the table.. and make her spend money on you. Not each time, but from time to time show up without wallet on date ( promisse you wil pay  next time hehe), or explain her that you expect from her to take you out somewhere
8. and the Most Important, Keep the Nice-guy in you. 

Every Badboy has a soft, nice side, but he’s hiding it. She has to deserve to see it, to experience it, its a reward.

 -Focus on Yourself / be selfish

this is an core of Being an Badboy – this is how to be Badboy Nice guys focus hardcore of girls pleasure and make sure she is happy, and satisfied, which girls found :  Boring
So instead of trying just like any other guy to satisfy her ass, you flip the table. Example. You go on date where you want to go, not where she would like to go. You wanna see some cool movie in cinema, you take her there to see movie YOU would like to see, not what she would like to see! In your life your happiness is way more important then hers. You infront of her. Your needs infront of hers. ( until you move to relationship) then things will change. This is the core of how to be Badboy. Practice it!
